Conversations From the Open Road is a road-trip for young folks between the ages of 16-24 years old to experience our world in a meaningful way.
We are a group of curious, open-hearted people who want to listen to, learn from and explore with others about the bigger, broader questions.
We are a youth storytelling, digital media crew probing the challenging issues and individual stories in our communities.
Thanks for all who joined us at our showings of our film:
Conversations From the Open Road: How Can We Better Care About Ourselves, Each Other and Our Home?
Watch the whole collection from 2019:
Envisioning Justice and Tiny Homes for Neighbors in Need
Since 2014, 3-5 crews each summer have hit the road as strangers and return bonded by the shared compassion for all who we met along the way and a deeper understanding of the struggles in our world.
It’s a road trip in the truest sense of the word: we thrive in the unknown and have little interest in indulging in the luxuries of tourism, but instead seek the camaraderie with lots of other humans on this wild journey through life at this moment.
In Brief:
6 Open and Interested High School Students, from Vermont
1 or 2 College Students
2 Charming Leaders ( A Once Secondary Education Teacher and a Freelance Film/Audio Professional)
9 Creative and Collaborative Geniuses
9 open and humble minds.
10-14 days on the road
2 mini- vans, a collection of media equipment, and sleeping bags.
We start with a concern and question, then road-trip to the communities on the front lines.
We learn from local people, experts in the field, and relevant organizations.
ALWAYS enjoying adventures from the local landscape.
Each student creates a documentary short, which becomes part of our collection shown at school and community presentations and film festivals around Vermont.
We will help to facilitate the process of earning credit from a student’s host school, if desired.
THANK YOU to Vermont Folklife Center, for their collaboration and non-profit sponsorship of our progra
Our Philosophy:
* Our FIRST priority is to listen to and appreciate each person with an open heart and mind, knowing that each person offers a unique understanding of our shared reality.
* We believe that learning from and listening to people is the cornerstone of a compassionate understanding of our world.
* Learning through Experience and life’s natural context endures, rather than solely in the classroom and through text.
* We all learn with and from each other. ‘Student Voice’ is the minimum and starting point of what we intend to cultivate.
* Sharing a reciprocal and relational moment with strangers, in order to weave a closer, better humanity is transformative.
* There is no single story, to any person and place. This immersion culminates in a collection of mixed-media shorts that reflect our experience of the complexity of a place, people and this moment.
* We are NOT looking for answers, but rather the humanity within every struggle and inspiration.
* Being a Citizen requires empathy, gained in knowledge and experience of the issues effecting our community.
* Genuine Knowledge comes from probing the complexity within every issue.
* Traveling, creating and learning collaboratively is an electric experience, and worth more than an individual pursuit.
* It is time to be Content-Creators, not just passive recipients of knowledge.
* CFTOR embodies a way to educate that directly challenges what we consider the pitfalls of our current educational pedagogy and paradigm.
Who we are:
We have worked in education and/or radio journalism and film for a decade. We have joined our efforts to start this program in order to combine what we love: working with young adults, collaborative creation, expression through film, wrestling with current and relevant issues, and experiencing the varying geographies and cultures within our country.
Contact Info: