About the Program

Any VT high school student or college student is eligible to apply to this program. Students are invited to join who exhibit an eager and open attitude to grow and learn and an ability to work collaboratively and independently. Funded scholarships allows for any student who is invited to join our crews, regardless of ability to pay the entire amount.

APPLICATIONS are found at the bottom of each trip on the trips page. Email this as a PDF to conversationsfromtheopenroad@gmail.com

HOWEVER, ADMISSION IS ROLLING: We fill the spots for our crews as the right applicants apply – We do NOT wait until the deadline to review all applications.

APPLY as soon as you know you are interested!

We interview all interested applicants, since we want to know much more about you than what a few written responses gives us.

Contact us as soon as you know if you are interested, so that we can set something up.

All students and parents who have participated in this experience have agreed to talk with any interested student and parent – please contact us if this is something you would like to arrange.

Please contact us with any concerns or questions at mary.beth.simons@gmail.com