What Do We Need To Thrive? What Is Our Responsibility To Ourselves And Each Other?

Date: Friday, June 17, 2022 to Tuesday, July 5, 2022
We are all caught in a web of unhealthy conditions and expectations, and enduring a moment of deep cultural reckoning that is asking more from us. We know we can all do better, together. How and what do we need? What is our responsibility to ourselves and each other, and our shared home?
We will drive across the country, stopping along the way to connect and learn from people who are intentionally living into these questions. Our first day, we will participate in the Poor Peoples March in D.C. This is a coalition of organizations continuing the work of MLK’s call. We will then meet with Credible Messengers in New York City, have a conversation with the Center for Healthy Minds in Madison, WI, visit with the Water Protectors at Line 3 outside Minneapolis, learn with youth from the Nawayee Center School in Minneapolis, connect with the brave Land Defenders at Thacker Pass and finally arrive in Oregon. We will stay in Oregon for almost a week, learning from the people who are enacting the innovativee legislation requiring Youth Peer Support Workers in schools and drop-in centers. We will be learning from the mobile crisis support team, Cahoots about their decades long work pioneering the gold-standard for non-police intervention for mental health crises. A grassroots group of parents in Burlington, VT, is advocating for this model for our city.
We will collaboratively create a film exploring our journey.
Do NOT hesitate to inquire and apply because of cost, we work very hard writing lots of grants to make sure ALL who are interested and invited can join!