How Equity Might be Actualized in VT High Schools

In collaboration with Vermont Folklife


Phase 1 – Fall, 2021- Summer, 2023

2023 marked the 10 year anniversary of the passing of Act 77, Vermont’s education policy regarding personalized learning in schools. The impact of this policy over the past decade is the focus of the online research paper with embedded audio, based on a 2-year long study in collaboration with Educational professionals across Vermont.


Widely recognized by educators as a foundational pedagogical framework for narrowing the achievement gap and better attending to both the underserved and historically marginalized students, as much as the students seeking enrichment in particular, idiosyncratic areas of study.  Act 77 is a paradigm shift in schooling and learning. Improving its implementation requires a holistic and multi-faceted understanding of the historical momentum of our educational conventions, alongside the particulars of theVermont context, and the values and resources that shape and influence a community’s school culture.


A Snapshot of Act 77 Implementation: “…It relies on Superheroes… 


Phase 2 – January, 2024 – 

A podcast series with 3 UVM Education Majors intended to bring the public into this dialogue about the expansive questions that this legislation provokes.