Santa Fe, New Mexico - A Community's Response To Our Addiction Crisis

Date: Friday, July 7, 2017 to Friday, July 21, 2017
There are a few cities in our country transforming how we understand and treat people with addictions. Santa Fe is one of these inspiring places (along with Seattle, Albany, Ithaca, and Gloucester, Mass). Students will travel to this beautiful part of our country to learn from the individuals and the community initiating this change. We will thread these stories together, while indulging in the cultural influences and the carved landscapes of the American Southwest.
As a crew, we will be part of this cultural change here in Vermont! We have been invited to be part of a team, led by Attorney General TJ Donovan, who will be tour the state and talking with communities about this compassionate turn in how a community cares for this growing epidemic.
July 7-July 21
COST: $1800
Shorts from the Trip
Community Matters
Beyond Stigma
Taking Chances
by Sydney Adams